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Hover your mouse over our staffs pictures and you'll find a brief bio and how long they have been in the New Zealand Cadet Forces for. 

3 Squadron Executive Staff

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Flight Lieutenant Neale Thomson

21 Years of service in the NZCF


Unit Commander

The Unit Commander is responsible to the Commandant of the NZCF for the overall command and welfare of their Squadron. They hold ultimate responsibility for the management of all parade nights and activities conducted within their unit, development of the staff and NCOs, developing a relationship with the Unit Support Committee, RSA and other organisations within our local community.

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Flying Officer Shawnee Williams

14 Years of service in the NZCF

Registered Nurse

Executive Officer

The Executive Officer's role is primarily second in command of our Unit. Their direct responsibility is managing the day to day operations in the unit, and standards of all staff, NCOs and cadets.

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Warrant Officer

Anil Sneha

6 Years of service in the NZCF


Warrant Officer

The Warrant Officer is the highest ranking member of the youth leadership team. Serves as a direct connection between the Officer Corps and NCOs. Advises the Cadet Unit Commander on cadet related issues and manages the NCO team.

© New Zealand Cadet Forces


1941-2023 by 3 SQN ATC 

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